Olive Oil in Winter
by Al Pryzbylski on 25 January
Attention Please!! Important: Every year in the winter (including this year) we've been gett...
Grilled Pizza Finished with Extra Virgin Olive Oil
I got a little fancy here, but grilled pizza is a snap to make on the grill, endlessly versatile, and the perfect spot for a drizzle of bright, peppery extra virgin olive oil.
Pizza Dough
5 cups unbleached, all purpose flour
2 1/4 cups warm (80 degree) water
1/4 cup super high phenol (400+) extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon kosher salt
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
2 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast
Cornmeal (optional)
Now it's time to be creative with your favorite toppings and of course, a nice drizzle of olive oil to finish off your pie.
My grilled pizza pictured above is made with a garam masala curried tomato cream sauce, thinly sliced purple potatoes drizzled with Hojiblanca Extra Virgin Olive Oil and dusted with cumin, baby beet greens, and farm fresh eggs.
Toppings to consider: Pesto, pizza sauce, mozzarella, olive oil, Parmesan, thin sliced potatoes, baby greens, arugula, peppers, olives, eggs, smoked salmon, squash, grilled chicken, shrimp and on, and on.
Mix the granulated sugar in to 1/4 cup warm water and add the yeast. Allow to sit and "bloom" for five minutes. In a large mixing bowl, or in the bowl of your stand mixer, or in your bread machine, add the flour.
Mix the yeast mixture in to the remaining two cups of warm water along with the salt and olive oil. Add this to the flour in the bowl and slowly begin to mix it until it's fully incorporated and smooth but slightly our flour. This slightly wet dough helps to create a beautiful cracker crisp crust if rolled very thin. If left thick, it will make a chewier crust.
Cover the dough and allow to rise until doubled for approximately 1 1/2 hours in a warm location.
If using a pizza stone or steel, place your stone or steel in to your grill and preheat to its highest possible temp. for at least 20 minutes.
Divide the dough in to six portions. Keep the portions of dough not being rolled covered so that they don't dry out. Roll out each portion to desired thickness. If you do not want to use cornmeal, you can roll out your pizza dough on to small sheets of parchment paper. The pizza and parchment will go directly on to your hot pizza stone for a minute, and then the parchment should be removed after a minute or so, when the pizza dough is par-cooked which will allow it to slip off the paper easily, and directly on to the hot stone without sticking. You can also use cornmeal to help the pizza off the peel and on to the grill or stone. If grilling your pizza directly on the grill without a stone, reduce the grill heat to medium and use corn meal to help slide the of your peel and directly on to a medium grill.
Keep a close eye on the pizza as it will cook quickly whether set directly on the grill or a blazing hot pizza stone.
Make one or two pizzas at a time rolling the dough out as necessary while keeping the rest of the dough covered.
Makes 6 medium sized pizzas.
IMPORTANT TIMING NOTICEThe time for fulfilling and shipping orders for all shipping locations outside our home delivery areas has passed for guaranteed pre Christmas delivery.We will home deliver by Sunday 12/22 any order...
Attention Please!! Important: Every year in the winter (including this year) we've been getting emails and calls from customers concerned about oil...